Monday, March 22, 2010

What is Faithfulness ?

    Faithful simply means Loyalty otherwise continual Obedience toward higher authority. Faithful to the Lord means remaining in the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ what ever comes in ones life. Jesus was Named or Called "Faithful witness" in Revelation 3:14, Why? It was not just He died for all, but the more He obeyed His Father's Will (our Heavenly Father) totally even unto death. To be faithful simply means to be obedience to our Lord Christ Jesus at any cost and follow God's Holy, True, Unchanging and Powerful Word ( the Bible).
   Jesus said "be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life" Revelation 2:10, that means if you are not faithful unto death no crown for you. That is the call from our Lord the "Risen King" to all of us who believes in Him, to carry our own Cross daily and follow His foot steps in our living days here on Earth !!!
   The Bible encourages us many times to remain faithful in the Lord and shows us what were the heritage of the faithfuls in the Lord, and also the tragic ends of the unfaithful and disobedience. Many people do not want to hear warnings even from those who follow Christ and believes in Him. But the Word of God did not said in Vain, it is Serious, Faithful and Truth. We must warn the unbelievers about the righteous Judgment of of Our Lord God and to the believers to be faithful unto death. Let every one who has ears to hear let him hear !!! the Lord bless you and carry you through...

                                                                                                   Servant of the Lord
                                                                                                       Jeremiah khai

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