Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Do You Love your people?

Do You Love your people?
    If you would ask everyone in the World do you love your People? I believe 90 % of them will always answer, yes I love my people. If someone would ask me this question I will give the same answer. I believe you will do the same, by telling I love my people.
    But there seems to be contradictions with Christ Jesus our Lord God, about this question. Jesus said “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Matthew 10:37 Father or Mother, Son or Daughter, it includes all kindred and makes up a People. What does Jesus tells us here? What He actually meant here is to Love Him more than any other personalities in the Entire World, and not to hate them. What do you and I got to say … I love my people more than Jesus? Or I love Jesus more than my people…!
    There are some extremists for God and in other hand for people, we need a balanced life and not to be extreme in one side. If you really love God you will surely love your people. Because “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.    This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matthew 22:37-39. By reading this we easily understood what God want us to be in Loving God and men. There is no way to be too extreme for God and for men, but one thing “God is and must be the first Priority” in lives. And not just God and our people … every men in the entire world … this is the Command form the Lord ! someone ask Jesus ‘who’s my neighbor’ ? Jesus’ answer was simple, and  told him a parable, of ‘the good Samaritan’. So our relative is the one who is not related to us, who is a stranger became our relative and people in God’s way, if we really Love God it became our way of life.
    What’s going on here are we not talking about loving our own people? Why should I love others? You might ask me this question, but that’s not the way if we only love our own people and hating others, if this so it would mean ‘Racialism’. Jesus came for His people but His people crucified Him “He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:” John 1:11-12, this passage is talking about us, because The Jews, Jesus’ own people rejected Jesus we can come to Jesus and be the Children of God. It’s a privileged for us. Obviously Jesus was not accepted by His own people, because they were expecting the Political Messiah not the Spiritual Messiah, they will received the political one in the future who is the Anti-Christ. So don’t expect your people to be politic, they will be far from the Truth of God.  If you love your people teach them about God, help them know the Lord Jesus Christ, lead them to know the Word of God more than any other things.
      Why many racial problems are happening in the world today? because people don’t want to know more of God and care little about God. It’s not just happening in our Nation, it’s all over the world the main reason is No God needed in their lives. So here is the best suggestion if you Love your people Lead them to know God, and don’t hate other people groups … God wants us to love every one even our enemies, if you hate there is no God in your life. God bless you … ! 

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