Saturday, March 5, 2011

Abiding In Christ ... !

I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5 ( KJV )

There in the Words of Jesus we see "abide in me" that is simple to understand yet difficult to act or follow sometimes because of our weaknesses as a human being. But Jesus confirm His Word again later "without me ye can do nothing" what He said He saith it in Truth, and it cannot be alter by our human judgments by saying that there is another way of blessings or bearing fruits without Abiding in Christ Jesus... absolutely not !

And Jesus put forth an example of Himself as a Vine which is the the Trunk of the Grape plan or the Source of everything from which the branches absorb minerals to bear fruit, and we as branches which needs the sources from the Vine to bear Fruits. If we are abiding in Jesus we will bear fruits of the Spirit which is mentioned in Galatians 5:22,23.

Bearing Fruits

We know the Fruits which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control these are the Fruits of the Spirit and the Bible also said that against such there is no law, means if we are Abiding in Christ and bear the Fruits of the Spirit no law can condemn us and against us. Spiritual benefits and Physical benefits by Abiding in Christ. So blessed are we that Christ is in us !

What is Abiding in Christ

That will require you to give time for Christ if you want to Abide in Him and Bear Fruits which will benefit your Spiritual and Physical life. Abide simply means 'to take hold permanently' that is called Abide. It is not easy to Abide in Christ and bear Fruits if we are not Obeying Him at His Word ! I am not judging anyone here but wanting to encourage everyone who has put his Faith in Christ to Abide in Him... !
The True Christian Faith doesn't start with Religious Orders but with Faith in Christ by Grace. So if we have started our Faith with Christ why not we Abide in Him as long as we live !
The Bible said in the Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith;" if we want to Abide in Him we must look to Him continually.

Conclusion : Dear Believers in Christ Abiding means continual fellowship with Christ Jesus Our Lord. I Believe this message would encouraged you to grow in Jesus and Abide in Him ... the Lord bless you ... for the Lord is good ... !!!

Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ

Jeremiah khai

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