Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Bible and the Concept of Evolution theory

The Bible...
The Bible was Dated long ago since 1450 B.C ...The first five book of the Bible was written by Moses...the man who led the People of Israel from the bondage of the Egyptians...appointed by God Almighty (Jehovah) Maker of Heaven and Earth....the Bible was Written nearly over 1500 years...from 1450 B.C to AD 100....but the Harmony of the Bible Does  not disagree with each of the Book...written by over 40 authours who were moved by Holy Spirit ....and Inspired or directed by the Holy Spirit... the Bible can be called small Library the Bible Contains 66 books ...and has two divisions the Old Testament (covenant)39 books and the New Testament(covenant)27 books...
     The Bible is widely used by Christians around the World and has Become the Best selling book and the most Transalated book in the World...many rulers through the centuries wanted to destroyed the Book of books...but they could not..Because the Book was the Word of God...God protected His Words...and no one could destroyed's life Changing Book many people through the ages were touch by it's teaching because it is Alive and Active sharp like two edges sword...pierecing into soul and spirit  and knows intents of the Hearts...
      The main theme of the Bible is "Salvation through Jesus Christ"...And the Bible Talks about Creation ... the origin of Man..the fall of man...History of the World...from the begining till the End of the's shocking..and Wonderful...joyful and sadness...all are in the Bible...for all works of life it has been a guide or the journey in this world...The Book also was used for the Constitution of the most Famous and Powerful Countries around the United States of America...
     One of the Most famous and life changing verse in the Bible is the love letter of God to lost Human beings....that we find in John 3:16 "For God so loved the World, that He gave His only Begotten Son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in Him ,Shold not perish bru have Everlasting Life"....
The concept of Evolution theory
The concept of Evolution theory was developed by Charles Darwin who lived AD 19th Century in England...he was very keen in studying Nature more then he studied other his childhood he spent most of his times in the forest and wacthing and learning how the palnt and animals life developed...When he grew up he studied in Unversity and he bacame popular in his early years in England....and he wrote a book called "The Origin of Speicies" which shook the western world in his book he mainly emphasies tow topic...those were the "Big Bang theory" and the "Single Cell theory" (Mono Celluos)  ...
The Big this he described the Origin of the Universe from the star dust...which has no foundational based...but he tried to proved his  theory...but there is no proven things for how these dust formed or originated...?
The Single this he descrived the life was started by the single cell...from there developed a higher forms of lives thriving and became into exsistance..there is no explanation of How that single cell become ...?
Those days...this Evolution theory was not widely accepted in the western World...but later it was accepted by so-called unreligious group called Atheist..and their basic Faith was the theory of Evolution...
The Theory of Evolution explains the Humans were the Descendants of the "Ape" the lower form of the Human...there no based that Human(Homoserpeans) were the Descendants of the Apes...then the question arised Why these Days Apes do developed as Humans...?
 The Big Questions Remains till today...and Charles Darwin before he died confessed that ...his Theory were Wrong..and he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour.....
God bless you...


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