Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Great-Grand Father's Testimony or my Christian Heritage

   In 1925 there was a man named Pu Hang Za Kham from ZO (tribe) From Hill of the Chins was converted to Christianity.He was the first convert in his own race "ZO". After his conversion he was rejected by his own family and  kinds men though he was the eldest son.And he was persecuted for Christ's sake.
       He was pressed from every side, even from his wife...to leaved his new faith because they were animistic or spirits worshipers,they does not found favor with him in whatever he does 'cause of his new Faith In Christ.But he would not turned his back to his Savior what ever comes in his way he was ready to faced...and was beaten, despised ,spitted, and look down for the cause of Jesus Christ.
      Not only him, his wife also were rejected from her family, they did not get all their shares what they supposed to have from their families, if they had leaved their new faith they would have been in a good condition and all their possessions would have not lose, but they disregard the pleasure of sins for a season by holding the faith in Christ Jesus for Eternity...
      Once the village Chief came along with some men who had weapons of their own to chop down his house, because he forsook his old tradition of spirit worship and went after foreign the God which they never knew before, and another reason is, he was the only Christian in that whole village (Lung Tak) and they tried to bullied him.But God rescued him by sending one of the General from British Government to his village.The General was introduced by his pastor (Evangelist Vial Nang)to him.When the General knew all his matters and his faith the General was so impressed by him and commanded the village Chief not to harm him nor to disturb his faith because they were brothers in Christ.And if the Chief would repeat again to harm him his position would be removed off him, the Chief shocked and said "Hang Za a Kham's God is same with the white men"...
  He just don't kept quiet and sat down in his own house, rather he went out and shared his Faith which he had in Christ to every one he met in the way and even to his kins men who persecuted him.God used him like Abraham of old and moving him place to place till we reached our Capital City Yangon (Myanmar) in 1991. But he was rest in Christ in Kalay one of the town in Sagyaing Division Myanmar on his Pilgrimage on Earth to the Everlasting Kingdom of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at his age of 93 years.
    Then i wasn't born to this Planet Earth yet, but i've hard so many times of him my Great-Grand father's Testimony from my Grand parent and from my parent.That he was such a man of Faith and man of God to Change his own nation or his people and lit the Light of the World to the people who were in the darkness....this is my Great-Grand Father's Testimony and my Christian Heritage. God bless you through this testimony.......

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