Sunday, December 27, 2009

Signs of the Last Days ( Lying Wonders)

                   Signs of the Last Days

                         lying wonders

           As the Bible foretold and warns us the last days or the End of the World is heading ahead of us speedy. And we are the people Chosen out of the World to preserve it and to give light to the darkness growing sin submerged world of fallen mankind.
          We are aware of that, the coming of the Great God and our Savior, the Lord JESUS CHRIST is at hand. Jesus himself said that before His second coming there would be many disorders in the World in various places, in everyday lives in human society and also on the surface of the earth.The Natural Disasters or Calamities  like Tsunamis, Earthquakes, and Volcanic Eruptions in divers places are happening today...
         Here we are discussing about one of the signs of the last days which is namely "Lying wonders" brought by Satan's anti-Christ to our world in these last days..."Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders" 2 Thessalonians 2:9. However Satan will not come to us by his real appearance  but he will use the things we see in our daily lives to be hooked to him by those is Satanic schemes and delusions...seeking to devour those who are lake in the knowledge of the Truth or the Words of God. 
     Those things are already in the world today.The main things most of the Satanic lies are spread from Television and Movies. The film makers created the things which had never been existed in our world, to be real life story, to make profit out of their creation which were not part of God's plan or true lies...they invented evil and good, but both parties has their own power to fight against other. To draw millions of people worldwide to believe in lies not to take heed to the Word of God, Satan uses film makers around the world to create movies to allure the people young and old to believes in lies... some of the films like E.T , King Kong, Godzilla,Star Wars, X-man, Matrix, Alien Vs Predator, Transformers, Avatar these are some of the films which are emphasis on the Mythical Creatures and another Creature from some other Planets which are not know in our human History nor in the Word of God...

       In those movies we see the powers of Darkness displaying in the main role.. in those things our contemporary human race are submerging into it...but we as the light of the Earth and Salt of the World should know and aware of Satan's lies....and though we watch we should not be trap into those Lyings wonders...but know those things are not from God, but from Satan...May the Lord bless you all...

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