Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Bible Vs Magic : the Ancient Mystical Religion

         When we talk about Magic some of us would think it’s a kind of cool trick shown by the so-called Magician and people are fascinated about it, sadly even some of the Believers in the front line. The Bible condemned about Magic several times in various passages both in the Old and New Testament. So we are not allowed to practice and involve in any form or kind of Magic as a Christian. Magic was originated since prehistoric time and still it is continuing in this presence age. The world viewed Magic as an unharmed or pleasure giving sport or play. And most of the World’s Religions accept and practice Magic as their secondary Religion and involved in it with pleasure. But the Bible clearly talk about Magic as a cause which is against the Works of God and all Righteousness (Acts 13:10) , because it is from Satan who can transformed like “ an angel of light” 2 Corinthians 11:14.
        A Christian writer says about Magic as follows “ Magic uses charms and spells that are believed to have supernatural power over natural forces. But according to the Bible, the power isn’t in the saying of certain words or following prescribed rituals. The power comes from demons who, when invited, can provide supernatural assistance ( 1 Samuel 28:5-20; 2 King 23:24)”.
      The Bible talk about forbidding of Magical uses, Sorcery, Mediums in ( Deut 18:10-12) and condemns these things as Abomination before the LORD. In this presence time there are many things that involves in Magical ideas... like books, board games and movies these are invading the Churches also. Jesus said satan as the “father of lie ” John 8:44. It doesn’t seems to hurt in the appearance but actually it’s like viper hiding in the basket and we should aware of these things because we knew the trick or the lies of the devil.
      When I was young I though White magic was good and Black magic was bad and both has long fighting history. But when I knew the Truth in the Word of God I came to realized that both has the same Origin and came from Satan. The Magic was practice in various parts of the world till today, if we trace back to History we would find in almost all the Continent of the world, In America practiced by the Red Indians, In Africa the African Voodoos, In Asia by many ethnic groups, in China largely used as a ritual till today. In Europe the witches, Mediums are so popular during the Medieval ages but condemned by the Roman Church. In India many Hindus sects practices Magical rituals. In the Middle East before Islam came to existence there were fire worship, In Mesopotamia Region there were moon worship and magical rituals were so popular.In Central America the Mayan Civilization have had practice Occult and Human Sacrifices were so common to them. In Ancient Greek and Roman time magical ritual were widely used in all Roman Empire, we can see in the time of Apostle Paul also ( Acts 16:16-18 ).

       Here is my conclusion to all of us... that we have to firm in the Lord and know the lies of the Devil... so we will not be tricked by the lies of Satan... Because the end is near many deceivers are already in the world .... May the Lord bless you...

@ 2010 by : Jeremiah ( Credited to The Bible, and "Do you believe in Magic" Discovery Series By RBC Ministry).

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