Saturday, May 15, 2010

God with us... the Lord is With you

    Hi dears in Christ as we know today is the Blessed Day or the Lord's Day. I would like to bring out some thing, as a Christian must know and recognize every time. That is, God with us...

   Here in Matthew 1:23 we see the meaning of our Savior's Name, that was "Emmanuel", simply means " God with us". God wants to be with us always since from the Beginning, when God created First couple Adam and Eve... He used to visit them every day especially " in the cool of the day" Genesis 3:8. Thus we saw that God desire was to be with us, that means to have fellowship with us every time. That was His purpose but men had broken relationship with God by disobeying Him....

    God did not leave mankind alone on this planet Earth, He did not forsake His special Creation in whom He put His very" Breath of Life" Genesis 2:7. He promised the perfect Man "seed of women" Genesis 3:15 Who will take the sinners' place in order to reunion with God. Thus God became Man and "dwelt among us" John1:14. And His Name was Called "Emmanuel" or "God with us" Matthew 1:23 since He was a child He is "God with us" .....

    As we all know He live and died, later Rose again from the dead on the "third day" 1 Corinthians 15:3-6. That's not all over He promised again in the last chapter of Matthew 28:20 "lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Reconfirming His Word... because there was a custom in the Old Testament the witness of two will be counted if it is one, that's not enough Deuteronomy 17:6 also in 19:15 . Thus Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ witness together that God is with us today..." If God be for us, who can be against us" Romans 8:31...

The Lord Bless you...
Servant of the Lord Jeremiah khai

@ 2010 by : Jeremiah khai ; [ note: all Scripture portions are from King James Version of the Bible ]

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