Saturday, May 29, 2010

God's Nature : Love and Justice, Judgment

       In John 3:16 we see the Universal love of God to all those who come to him through His Son Jesus Christ. Because He is not only God of the Jews but also God of the Gentiles too. There is no division and racialism in Jesus Christ. Yet He is the God of Justice and Judgment also to let know of His nature God put this very story in Genesis 15:16 about the waiting of the full of the sin of the Armorites and also in Genesis 19:23-25 about the Episode of the Judgment of the Two City Sodom and Gomorrah. These examples shows the patient of God and the judgment upon those who do not repent , though they might be Individuals or Nations.
Every one of us know that God is love but some Children of God failed to understand He is the God of Justice too, and by His righteousness He must execute Judgment upon the evil doers. Some one would questions “if God so loved the sinners, why would He judge them?” here is the answer God loves the sinners but hates sin. That is why He said “ Vengeance is mine; I will repay’ Roman 12:19. The reason why God must judge is because He is “ Just God” Isaiah 45:21.
     In the Episode in Genesis 15:16 God said to Abraham about the time when the children of would return “But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Armorites is not yet full”, means God is patient as we see in 2 Peter 3:9 “but is longesuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” And waiting to the full of the iniquity or sin of the Armorites to judge them, because He is the just God and loves all His Creation, He gave time to repent. He is the God of Love and Justice, If people would judge one another why not God Judge the Nations, and visit their iniquities.

     The best example of God’s love shown here in the Bible and the whole world was in the Person of Jesus Christ, his Life made light to the fallen mankind. His Love reflects the Love of the Almighty, Everlasting God, He alone can show this love of God , why? Because He Himself is “God in the Flesh” John 1:14, and fully man but “in whom is no guile” John 1:47. His sacrificed had shown the “Greater love” John 15:13 that no one in the world had ever done, nor no other religious leaders have ever, since the Beginning of the History and till Today. Thus Jesus Christ Proved the Love of God, and His Deity or God’s nature by Resurrecting from the Death “Luke 24:6”.
     The Love and Judgment of God was together shown in the life of David, the famous Bible character after Jesus Christ, and a King “2 Samuel 5:3”, an Inventor of Music “Amos 6:5”, And also Named by God as “ a man after mine own heart” Acts 13:22. He was lifted up by God, because David praised God and found Favor with God, and God promoted him and Chosen him to rule over God’s people Israel. But when he fell into temptation and committed adultery with the woman named Bath-Sheba “2 Samuel 11:13-22 and murdered her husband Uriah “2 Samuel 11:14-17” God did not say that “ I will forgive him, because he is the best man in the entire world” rather Judgment came upon his house whole, after he repented and wrote Psalm 51 with all his heart , though God forgave him ,the consequences of His iniquities follows, because the Bible says “ for whatsower a man soweth , that shall he also reap” Galatians 6:7. The whole Episode can be read in the Book of 2 Samuel.
      So what do we say more about the Love and Judgment of God. I believe some of you might be convinced by this, some of you might learned and understand something from the Word of God today. Hope that you are benefited by this Message. May the Lord bless all His faithful Children. “For our God is a consuming fire” Hebrews 13:29.

© 2010 : By Jeremiah khai ( Note :all the Scripture portions are taken from KJV Bible )

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