Saturday, June 5, 2010

Faith : That Can Move The Mountain

 Hebrews 11:1, Matthew 17:20, Habakkuk 2:4

      Faith Plays an important role in the Bible to have fellowship with God. Without Faith God would not accept anyone to come to Him through Jesus Christ, because by his own goodness and righteousness man cannot attain Salvation. Faith is for man and is not for God, God doesn't need to have Faith as we does because He is the Creator and the Author of Everything. Man must have Faith in God in order to get something from God. Faith means not having faith in man, not having faith in faith alone, not having faith in nothing, but Having Faith in God, that means Trusting in God and in Him alone.
     The Oxford Dictionary define Faith as :1. complete trust or confidence. 2. belief in a religion. 3. strong Belief. The Biblical definition about Faith is " Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" Hebrews 11:1. Faith seems like this, you hope for a thing and you believe that you already obtain in your hand, and later you really get the thing what you hoped for. If you study the whole Chapters of Hebrews 11 you'll find the Heroes of Faith throughout the Ages, who were famous Biblical Characters, who played an important role ( After Jesus Christ ) in the redemptive plan of God. Faith is the Raw Material for Producing the Blessings of God. Jesus Said in John 11:40 " Said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of  God?" Faith opens doors, for supernatural things from God.
      Here in Matthew 17:20 we see a kind of Faith which is "Mountain Moving" Jesus Said " For verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall removed;  and nothings shall be impossible unto you". Here Jesus was talking to His disciples about faith, because they could not cast out the demons, Jesus said to them you just need to have Faith as small as a "mustard seed" then you can "Relocate so Huge Mountain". It's quite enough to have a mustard seed Faith to Move a Mountain. I read in a book written by Rev. David Yonggi Cho how he moved a Mountain. In this episode he prayed by faith without ceasing to remove the mountain which blocked before his Church. One day after couples of years he was praying for, the Mountain was Miraculously dug out by the Authority from before his Church. He didn't move it but God does, if you face problems so huge as Mountain don't forget to exercise faith and prayer let God work for you. 
        Another passage in the Bible that emphasis on Faith is in Habbakuk 2:4b "but the just shall live by his faith". Similar verse we see in the New Testament in Roman 3:22 " Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe".Another one is in Hebrews 11:6 " But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him". There is a saying " No Pain no Gain" but the Bible says " No Faith No Blessings".The Bible says that the just shall live by faith, faith will make you just or righteous before God, because God would not accepts any man without coming to Him Through by Faith in Jesus Christ.
        Hudson Taylor ( well known Missionary to China) once said this " Faith laugh at the impossibilities and obedience raises no questions". At his age 20 he obeyed the Call of God and sailed out for China inland Mission. there he faced many challenges but his faith in God was strong enough to overcome all of them, he trusted Jesus would do all the things but he only need to believe. The outcome of his Faith we see in today's  Rapid Christian Growth in China.
         Here is my little conclusion and encouragement. Faith is the shield as we see in "Eph 6:16" for our protection from the evil one. As God is the Giver of All let us ask Faith from God, if we are feeble in it.I Believe God would give you Faith if you ask for it. But one thing, if you don't Believe that God is going to give you what you have asked for you will not get anything from Him. may the bless all His Children Who are in Christ Jesus Our Lord.

© 2010 by Jeremiah khai  ( Note:  all the Scriptures are quoted from King James Version of the Bible )

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