Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bread, not enought for Living, but the Word of God

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4 ( KJV )

Any one here who says i am perfect ? i guess No, because we all are not perfect here in this world, so the Perfect One Jesus Christ came to our World to save us from the Curse of the Law and also to give us guidance how to live under the Guidance of His Grace or New Covenant, and how to be perfect Gradually in our life till we meet Him Face to Face.

In order to grow Gradually we need to eat our daily food to be Mature Adult, likewise if we want to Grow and Mature in our Spiritual life Gradually we need to Eat God's Word. There is no middle way nor compromise , but you are commanded to Read God's Word and Meditate so you will not be entangled in this World and her deadly charms or lures.

Every Believers had the Spirit of God in their lives ... but the things is are you willing to follow His Guidance and Obey Him ... to Eat your daily bite of the Word of God or more ...? or are you just satisfied with a morsel of Bread and not the Full Loaf that you will not be hungry again for the whole day? That depends on your Decision ... but i rather choose to be Full by Eating the Full Loaf ... The Lord bless you, Maranatha ... !!!

Servant of the Lord

Jeremiah khai

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