Saturday, December 11, 2010

Faith and Grace

Ephesians 2:8; Luke 23:42-43

I Suppose as a Believer we all know what is Faith And Grace. As we sometime portrayed Faith as the Naive or Pivot in our Christian Belief it played main role when we are Communicating with God (Hebrews 11:6). We understand what is Faith because the Word of God itself tells us what is Faith in Hebrews 11:1. I would like to bring forth an explanation about "Faith" as i understood ... "Faith is like simply trusting God for all our needs, Spiritual and Physical"

Grace is known as "Unmerited Favor" as some of the Bible Scholar defined. And many a times in the Bible we can find the Grace of God, that God has shown to the mankind Since the Beginning till the End ( Genesis to Revelation ).

In the account in Luke 23:42-43 we saw Jesus and the two thieves hung on the Cross in Calvary, to make the Story short among those two the one asked by "Faith" to Jesus v 42 " Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom". How amazing was his "Faith" he didn't see Jesus performing Miracles on the Cross but he realized that He was the Son of God, that was by "Faith", then Jesus said in v 43 " Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise".

In this Episode of penitent sinner we saw "Faith" and "Grace" going together . Later in AD 62 ( After 30 years of Jesus Resurrection ) Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:8 "For by Grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God". When on the Cross the thief asked to Jesus "Lord remember me when You come in your Kingdom" that was a Future aspects of him, but Jesus said to him "To day you will be with me in Paradise" it was Present aspects by the Lord. It was only by Grace, we see Faith and Grace here.

So here is my encouragement if we asked anything by Faith though it might future aspects God by His Grace He would give us at Present what we would asked for. The Thief became the First man to be forgiven by the Lord Christ Jesus at his death. This shows that we all shared same origin with the penitent Thief... it was only by Grace of God...through Faith...that we are saved in Jesus. Man is responsible for his own Salvation... the Lord bless you...

servant of the Lord
Jeremiah khai

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